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材料系 材加系 材物系 无机系 粉末冶金与先进陶瓷研究所


姓  名: 杜志鸿
所在系所: 无机系
职  务: 无机系副主任
职  称: 副教授
通信地址: 北京市海淀区集团路30号集团材料集团
邮  编: 100083
办公地点: 集团主楼427
电  话: 62334863
邮  箱: zhihongdu@ustb.edu.cn
传  真:








    [1]    L. Shen, Z. Du, Y. Zhang, X. Dong, H. Zhao, Medium-Entropy perovskites Sr(FeαTiβCoγMnζ)O3-δ as promising cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 295: 120264.

    [2]    Z Du, Y Gong, H Zhao, Y Zhang, S Yi, L Gu, Unveiling the Interface Structure of the Exsolved Co–Fe Alloy Nanoparticles from Double Perovskite and Its Application in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021, 13 (2), 3287-3294.

    [3]    A SmBaCo2O5+δ double perovskite with epitaxially grown Sm0.2Ce0.8O2−δ nanoparticles as a promising cathode for solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8 (28), 14162-14170

    [4]    Z. Du, Y. Ma, H. Zhao, K. Li, Y. Lu. High CO2-tolerant and Cobalt-free dual-phase membranes for pure oxygen separation. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 574, 243–251.

    [5]    Z. Du, H. Zhao, S. Li, et al., Exceptionally High Performance Anode Material Based on Lattice Structure Decorated Double Perovskite Sr2FeMo2/3Mg1/3O6−δ for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 1800062.

    [6]    Z. Du, Z. Zhang, A. Niemczyk, A. Olszewska, N. Chen, K. Świerczek, H. Zhao. Unveiling the effects of A-site substitutions on the oxygen ion migration in A2−xAxNiO4+δ by first principles calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20(33), 21685-21692.

    [7]    Z. Du, C. Yan, H. Zhao et al., Effective Ca-doping in Y1-xCaxBaCo2O5+δ cathode materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 25641–25651.

    [8]    Z. Du, H. Zhao, S. Yi, et al., High-Performance Anode Material Sr2FeMo0.65Ni0.35O6−δ with In Situ Exsolved Nanoparticle Catalyst, ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 8660−8669.

    [9]    Z. Du, H. Zhao, C. Yang, et al., Optimization of strontium molybdate based composite anode for solid oxide fuel cells, Journal Power Sources, 2015, 274, 568-574.

    [10]             Z. Du, H. Zhao, Y. Shen, et al., Evaluation of La0.3Sr0.7Ti1−xCoxO3 as a potential cathode material for solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 10290–10299.



    1.       双钙钛矿阳极反位缺陷与电化学性能的强相关性研究,国家自然科学基金,主持。

    2.       阳极微结构演变、表界面杂质元素沉积机制及延寿对策研究,国家重点研发计划重点专项,参与。

    3.       氧传感器结构解析及性能改进,企业横向,参与。

    4.       钙钛矿阳极表面纳米催化颗粒的可控外延生长及性能研究,中国博士后科学基金特助项目,主持。

    5.       F掺杂La0.8Sr0.2MnFxO3-x-δ阴极晶体结构及性能的研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持。

    6.       高性能异质结构固体氧化物燃料电池阴极材料结构设计及性能研究,中央高校基本科研业务专项,主持。



    第二届中国硅酸盐学会优秀博士论文提名奖,北京硅酸盐学会无机非金属专委会秘书,《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》、《Int. J. Hydrogen Energy》等期刊审稿人。