
首页 > 团队队伍 > 团队队伍 > 材料物理与化学系

材料系 材加系 材物系 无机系 粉末冶金与先进陶瓷研究所


姓  名: 易晓鸥
所在系所: 材物系
职  务: 干部
职  称: 副教授
通信地址: 北京市海淀区集团路30号集团材料集团
邮  编: 100083
办公地点: 测试楼313
电  话:
邮  箱: xiaoouyi@ustb.edu.cn
传  真:







    20131月至20161月:英国牛津大学St Edmund Hall集团Culham Junior Research Fellow





    (1)  材料实验研究方法(X线、电镜及其他)I16学时;

    (2)  微束分析,32学时;

    (3)  材料科学基础实验B32学时。

    [1] Defect characterization, mechanical and thermal property evaluation in CVD-tungsten after low-dose neutron irradiation, X.Yi, L.Zhang, W.T.Han et al. Int. J. Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 85 (2019) 105004.

    [2] High-temperature defect recovery in self-ion irradiated tungsten - 5wt.% tantalum, X.Yi, K.Arakawa, Y.F.Du et al. Nuclear Materials and Energy 18 (2019) 93-98.

    [3] 3D reconstruction of the spatial distribution of dislocation loops using a triangulation approach, H.B.Yu, X.Yi, F.Hofmann. Ultramicroscopy 195 (2018) 58-68.

    [4] High-temperature damage evolution in 10 keV He+ irradiated W and W-5Re, X.Yi, K.Arakawa, F.Ferroni et al. Materials Characterization 145 (2018) 77-86.

    [5] Experimental observation of the number of visible defects produced in individual primary damage cascades in irradiated tungsten, D.R.Mason, X.Yi, A.E.Sand et al. Europhysics Letters 122 (2018) 66001.

    [6] Direct observation of the spatial distribution of primary cascade in tungsten, D.R.Mason, A.E.Sand, X.Yi et al. Acta Materialia 144 (2018) 905-917.

    [7] In situ studies of 150 keV W+ ion irradiated W and W-alloys: Damage production and microstructural evolution, X.Yi, M.L.Jenkins, M.A.Kirk et al. Acta Materialia 112 (2016), 105-120.

    [8] High temperature annealing of ion irradiated tungsten, F.Ferroni, X.Yi(通讯), K.Arakawa et al. Acta Materialia 90 (2015) 380-393.

    [9] Characterization of radiation damage in W and W-based alloys from 2 MeV self-ion near-bulk implantations, X.Yi, M.L.Jenkins, K.Hattar et al. Acta Materialia 92 (2015) 163-177.

    [10] Direct observation of size scaling and elastic interaction between nano-scale defects in collision cascades, X.Yi, A.E.Sand, D.R.Mason et al. Europhysics Letters 110 (2015) 36001 (Highlight).

    [11] Characterization of irradiation defect structures and densities by transmission electron microscopy, M.A.Kirk, X.Yi, M.L.Jenkins. Journal of Materials Research Vol. 30, No. 9 (2015) 1195-1201 (Cover story).

    [12] In-situ irradiation study of self-ion damaged W and W-5Re at 500°C, X.Yi, M.L.Jenkins, M.Briceno et al. Philosophical Magazine Vol.93, No.14 (2013) 1715-1738.


    (1)  国家自然科学基金青年项目:ITER第一壁部件中Be/CuCrZrSS316LN/ CuCrZr连接界面的辐照损伤研究(51701014)。

    (2)  中央高校基本科研业务专项:嬗变元素铼、钽对钨晶体中辐照缺陷的热回复行为影响(FRP-TP-16-030A1)。

    (3)  横向课题:热处理工艺对硬质合金微观组织和力学性能的影响研究。

    (1)  2013-2016年,英国牛津大学St. Edmund Hall集团Culham Junior Research Fellow

    (2)  2019-2020年,科技部中国国际核聚变能源计划执行中心材料技术专家。

    (3)  Acta MaterialiaScripta MaterialiaJournal of Nuclear Materials等材料top期刊审稿人。